RaderCo - Weekender Snapshot

Game-on for my TEDx talk on April 12!!!

Getting prepped (and psyched!) for my April 12th TEDx talk. I've been working with Speaker Hall of Fame coach Kelly Swanson and the excellent RaderCo Vocal Communications Specialist Helen Moses. I'm so excited about it! This one's a bit of a twist since it has to be scripted, but I'm up for the challenge, and I've done it before with Hack the Mobile Lifestyle and What's Your Joe Joe.

Last week, I presented Email Extinguisher to a crowd of about 500 accountants. This week, I spoke to a crowd of 560 eager to tackle another productivity puzzle with Time Power-Ups. One key takeaway: resist the siren call of your inbox. Your email? That's someone else's to-do list. Start your day with one of your top tasks instead. And for the love of kittens, don't let your company snuggle in the sheets with you (see our latest blog and podcast below!).

I presented to the NCSU sophomore Park Scholars about Focus Power-Ups and the importance of being present and putting down your phone with friends. Let's face it; "phoneliness" is a real thing – that sense of loneliness even in a crowd. How about making a pact to stash your phones during meals or parties? I've made it a rule not to keep my phone on the table while sharing a meal. That subtle vibration can send the wrong message!

RaderCo supports women-owned businesses with microloans through Kiva.org. This quarter, we're investing Siti Yohana in Indonesia in anticipation of my trip to Bali in September for the Global Speakers Summit.

And y'all know I love to read and hit 43 books last year. I read The Push last weekend, which is on the Banned Books list (in addition to Push by Sapphire). Incredible. Next up for banned books...the dictionary, perhaps?

We're changing titles for four programs. Can you be a helper and complete this brief survey by January 31 and rank order which titles make you want to learn more?

To keep it fun - Everyone who participates by the 31st will be entered into a drawing to win my book, Work Well. Play More! Productive, Clutter-Free, Healthy-Living - One Step at a Time.

When you get this, I'll be chauffeuring a loved one to and from getting their colonoscopy (schedule yours, please!) and taking them out to lunch wherever they desire.

On with the Weekender!


stop inviting your company to bed

Are you inviting your company to bed with you? If you're scrolling through your emails at night, you also invite them to your dreams. And that morning wake-up? Is that really who you want to roll over to? Check out our latest blog post and 5-minute podcast on taking back your bedroom.


work well remotely: healthy habits at home

I've worked from home since 2001 and training people how to work well remotely for 13 years! In this 90-second sneak peek of our popular Work Well Remotely: Healthy Habits at Home program, I discuss over-communication, moving throughout the day, and transitions in the morning.


the truth about pricing

I dove into Melina Palmer's new book, "The Truth About Pricing," the day it came out, and it is a game-changer! What I love most is how she breaks down complex pricing concepts into easily digestible nuggets by incorporating case studies and stories. I appreciate books that get straight to the point, and she does it—no fluff, no wasted words, just value that can be applied immediately. Get your highlighter ready!

P.S. Please be a helper and complete this brief survey by January 31 by rank ordering which titles make you curious and want to learn more.

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RaderCo - Revitalizing Productivity

Where health powers productivity, RaderCo helps leaders and their teams banish burnout, keep good people, and move forward through practical, tailored tools and healthy sustainable habits. Get valuable and inspiring bite-sized productivity nuggets straight to your inbox by subscribing below.

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