RaderCo - Weekender Snapshot

Drumroll, please... Exciting News!

We've got fresh, snazzy new names for three of our popular programs, and who better to help us name them than the fantastic folks who've experienced their power firsthand? Big kudos to everyone who chimed in and cast their votes. John Polsenberg, you're our superstar and snagged a copy of the "Work Well. Play More!" book!

Here are the new program titles:

This week on LinkedIn, I posted about the 'red sweater' effect, where we give away or discount our value for free. I'd love to read your thoughts if you are someone who frequently gets asked to get their brain picked (such a gross description) or asked to contribute for 'exposure bucks.'

Q: Who said they want team members to feel miserable, unappreciated, or like they don't belong?

A: No one!!!

Last week, we celebrated the launch of my bestie Wendy Gates Corbett's book The Energy of Belonging:75 Ideas to Spark Workplace Community She made the Amazon bestseller in six categories! If you want to foster good vibes for everyone at your workplace, buy a copy or three!

On the productivity front, I've been busy leveling up my skills. Last month, I embarked on a 15-hour certification course. I'm thrilled to announce that I aced the test this week, officially becoming an eSpeakers Certified Master Virtual Presenter.

To toast my certification, here's a sweet deal: If you sign an agreement with me in February and mention my new certification - you'll score a bonus "Ask the Expert" session!

For all you Nascar fans, we were excited to see my husband's band Jack the Radio has two songs as closing credits on the Netflix Series!

When you get this, I'll be out walking and rehearsing my TEDx with RaderCo Communications Specialist Helen Moses. And this weekend, it's all about supporting the arts, with Step Afrika and the play "Skeleton Crew" on my agenda.

On with the Weekender!


make meetings productive with the magic number 7

When we survey companies, the RaderCo Productivity Scorecard proves a prevailing theme: Meetings Suck. Comments include - "waste of time", "I'll never get that hour back", and"I've almost peed my pants at home because of so many back-to-back meetings". Dive into the article and 2-minute video to improve your meeting mojo.


everyday energy: healthy habits for every body

Forget about the latest trendy diets, fanatical exercise programs, and gurus who only care if you look good naked! Our Everyday Energy program discusses habit change (why 21 days to create a habit is a myth) and sustainable tips for eating, moving, sleeping, and more! Check out our sneak peek!

P.S. Don't forget to mention my Virtual Master Presenter Certification for a bonus Ask the Expert!

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RaderCo - Revitalizing Productivity

Where health powers productivity, RaderCo helps leaders and their teams banish burnout, keep good people, and move forward through practical, tailored tools and healthy sustainable habits. Get valuable and inspiring bite-sized productivity nuggets straight to your inbox by subscribing below.

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