RaderCo - Weekender Snapshot

Hi Reader,

Aww shucks...Thank you!!

Last week I received notice that I won two awards through myCPE! Most Impactful Women Leaders and Most Promising Personality. Meaningful because they are voted on by attendees of the webinars I host through the myCPE platform - Work Well Remotely: Healthy Habits at Home and Email Extinguisher: Simple Steps to Shrink the Inbox. The platform for accounting CPEs gives one meal to an impoverished family for each credit they offer. Sign up for your next CPE here.

Confused because I'm not an accountant? Accounting is an industry I highly respect and love working with. This week I continued my quest to remove microstressors from their lives by training over 1000 CPAs on inbox management. Then, I headed over to tax software company Avalara to train their teams on increasing their energy through tiny health hacks throughout the day.

Travel alert! I'll be in the Tacoma, WA area June 13-15, San Diego June 27-29, and Portland, OR July 24-26 and have time to add on a workshop, training, or keynote. If your company wants to increase their productivity and save money on travel costs to bring me in, please reply or schedule a Connection Call.

Since we hit the end of the quarter, I scheduled time for reflections with my friend Lilly, who I've been doing this with for years. Then I took off to the lake for two RaderCo Design Days with our Concierge & Director of Marketing. We walked (11 miles!), ate delicious food, reflected on our lessons earned (so. many. last. quarter.) and smartest decisions, and planned for Q2. Shameless plug for our Powered Path Playbook™ - it truly is an incredible tool for insights into your priorities, what you achieved, and if you didn't, why not. I learn something every time I do my reflections with someone else (that's key!).

When you get this, I'll be settling in for a rainy weekend completing Judith Guertin's book - Beyond the Estate Plan Guide: Important Details Your Family Needs When You Are Not Here To Tell Them, because I love my family and I don't want them searching for documents or feeling extra stressed if something were to happen to me. And if you love your family, you would buy this book and complete it too! Then off to Marion, NC to spend the night at an Airbnb with my Speakers With Impact mastermind to help each other make even more impact.

On with the Weekender!

p.s. There are only three spots in April for our Career Amplifier! Take advantage now to discover your core mission & values, showcase your achievements, and be seen by recruiters & hiring managers.

PO Box 46832, Raleigh, NC 27620
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RaderCo - Revitalizing Productivity

Where health powers productivity, RaderCo helps leaders and their teams banish burnout, keep good people, and move forward through practical, tailored tools and healthy sustainable habits. Get valuable and inspiring bite-sized productivity nuggets straight to your inbox by subscribing below.

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