RaderCo - Weekender Snapshot

Hi Reader,

Buckle up - these past two weeks have been nothing short of EXTRAORDINARY, and I can't wait to fill you in on all the fabulous details!

First, I had the electrifying experience of co-presenting on my 10th biz anniversary with Speaker Hall of Famer Crystal Washington at the National Speaker Association Influence conference.

We discussed Super-Sexy Speaker Systems: Scale Your Business and Free Up Time! Let me tell you, the room was BUZZING! Hearing people state what "sexy action" they would take to automate was so. much. fun. The best part? Crystal takes ALL OF DECEMBER OFF (including email!), and if you know me, you know I love unplugged vacations.

video preview

Speaking of unplugged, I dared to go entirely off the grid for seven whole days - no email, no phone, no text. YES, TEXT! You're probably thinking, "Marcey, how did you manage that?" Well, let me tell you about my clever little hack using the Driving mode on my iPhone. I changed the autoresponder to say I was on vacation and not checking messages. While it was a little inconvenient having to reset it each time I opened my phone, it was worth every blissful, distraction-free moment with my husband.

And where were we, you might ask? The enchanting French Quarter, where we celebrated our 25th anniversary in style! Kevin stole my heart all over again with a song written just for me. It was a symphony of joy between the charming city sights, the WWII museum, and crazy, incredible jazz.

Then, Portland called, and I answered with enthusiasm (LOVE PORTLAND)! We met Peter, the coolest 86-year-old clay artist, who made lawn gnomes in our likeness (drumsticks for Kevin, a microphone for me!). And you won't believe this - we took a virtual reality tour of Versailles! I felt like I might fall off a balcony; it was that real.

The adventures didn't stop there! I presented to the National Society of Accountants for Cooperatives on Time Power-Ups, and they already want more. I think I'll need my own power-up after all this excitement!

This week was all business, with several proposals going out for former, current, and new opportunities. Remote work and time guardrails are hot topics, and I'm right in the thick of it.

When you get this, I'll be chit-chatting with my direct primary care doc while power walking around Shelley Lake, then sipping coffee with Becky Sansbury of RaderCo, and later treating myself to Marcey's famous Crispy Brussels Sprouts at Mookie's New York Deli.

On with the Weekender!


How Crafting an Ethical Will Can Elevate Your Legacy.

A will and estate plan can seem daunting for some (but oh so necessary and a punch in your family's face if you don't have one). However, an Ethical Will is a journey of personal growth and legacy-building that can bring you closer to your family. Check out our latest blog post from RaderCo Team Specialist Judith Guertin and the 10-minute podcast now!


CANVAS REBEL Interview -Meet Marcey Rader

Canvas Rebel interviewed me on how I built my team of specialists, got a gig as a hotel spokesperson, and why I'm LinkedIn only.


Team Power Coaching Case Study: KayLynn Dalebout.

How did this accountant go from the verge of shutting her doors to buying two firms, tripling her revenue, and living her dream life in Belize - while ALSO dealing with a devasting family tragedy & crisis?

She did it through our unique & adaptable RaderCo Team Specialists Power Coaching program. KayLynn had the right support at the right time - every step of the way - to manage her life, execute her goals, and move her highest aspirations from concept into reality. Got a few dreams of your own waiting in the wings? Get the full details below.


The Most Common Entrepreneurial Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

We all want to be in charge of our lives, but what happens when the business game keeps changing? How can you find new clients, beat the competition, and do it on a shoestring budget? Author Lisa J. MacDonald managed to culminate the experiences of entrepreneurs & business owners into a book encompassing the lessons earned and the wisdom of attending years of masterclasses, courses, and reading other books. This is a must-read for new and seasoned people in business.

p.s. Want to know what RaderCo and Marcey choose as their top services, products, and tools? Check out our RaderCo Recommends page!

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RaderCo - Revitalizing Productivity

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