
RaderCo - Revitalizing Productivity

RaderCo - Weekender Snapshot

Published 30 days ago • 2 min read

Overwhelmed with emotion...

I'm surprised I didn't need an IV for dehydration because I ugly-cried for five days... My TEDxNCState talk last Friday was an absolute whirlwind of love, support, and validation.

With over 30 friends and clients cheering me on, and the flood of comments, texts, and voicemails afterward - I was swimming in a sea of emotions.

The OUTPOURING of love made every second of the 55 hours I poured into prep totally worth it.

Now, I'm gearing up to spill all the details in a podcast & blog post once the video is released (fingers crossed it's within the month!). My favorite quote from the whole shebang? "That was a roller coaster of emotions that everyone needs to take a ride on!" Talk about hitting ALL the feels!

Shoutout to RaderCo Productivity Specialists Judith & Elisabeth for the gorgeous surprise flower arrangement and BIG love to the NSA Carolinas crew.

MASSIVE hugs to RaderCo Vocal Communications Specialist Helen Moses for helping me shape my final talk!

My perfect post-TEDx recovery was a walkie-talkie & coffee with my friend Sara, dinner at the fab Fiction Kitchen with more friends, and a forest bathing experience at the NC Botanical Gardens with Concierge Lisa.

Also, huge thanks to my Ah-Maz-Ing stylist, Michelle Scaraglino, for whipping up that custom jacket that made me feel like a TEDx rockstar.

Now, onto other adventures that haven't taken over my life lately...

We got to catch up with our college roommate and her daughter at Mookie's New York Deli. Who wouldn't want to try Marcey's Crispy Brussels Sprouts (yep, named after yours truly)?

Also, had the honor of speaking for the global admin team of MiracleFeet, an incredible organization changing lives worldwide. Check out their work and consider donating. Every kid deserves the chance to run and play and club foot is fixable with the proper treatment!

Then, there was the "I Respectfully Disagree" launch event, where I talked about how Justin Jones-Fosu's book made me think about all the times I've disrespectfully agreed. Yep, it's a thing.

When you get this, I'll be treating Mom and me to a much-needed pedi at Relax Foot Spa. My family's in town, so it's all about walks, bikes, ice cream, and action movies.

On with the Weekender!


JOOO - the joy of opting out

Feeling trapped in the social media scroll or constantly attending events out of fear you'll miss something exciting? I flipped the script with JOOO - the Joy Of Opting Out. It's about choosing to skip the non-essentials to focus on what really fills your cup. Tune into our latest episode for a new take on productivity by opting out - and maybe find joy in realizing you haven't really missed a thing.


Q1 reflections call recording:

Powered Path Playbook®

Check out my Powered Path Playbook® Q1 reflection highlights for my biggest brags, lessons earned, and who helped me the most.

P.S. I know that writing reviews is a pain, but it really does fuel our success and ability to continue with new episodes! If you've ever found our podcast helpful, think of someone to share it with today and/or write us a quick review. Virtual high-fives and more bite-sized primo nuggets of knowledge are coming your way!

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RaderCo - Revitalizing Productivity

Where health powers productivity, RaderCo helps leaders and their teams banish burnout, keep good people, and move forward through practical, tailored tools and healthy sustainable habits. Get valuable and inspiring bite-sized productivity nuggets straight to your inbox by subscribing below.

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