Unleash Your Team's Potential with Our Email Extinguisher Series.

Hi Reader,

Did you know the average office worker spends 2.5 hours daily managing emails? That's more than a day's worth of work each week!

Just imagine what your team could achieve if they could reclaim that time & focus on their core tasks or Top Three Priorities.

Introducing RaderCo's new:

Email Extinguisher Series

A two-part email mastery program that will revolutionize how your team communicates & collaborates.

  • Tailored training to suit your organization's needs
  • Boosts team productivity and focus
  • Creates a healthier team culture
  • Expert trainers, including our newest Software Training Specialist, Dawn Bjork

Quick glimpse of what the workshops cover:

Workshop 1: Managing Tasks with Microsoft Outlook, To Do, Planner, and Teams

  • Master the art of task delegation and management
  • Leverage Microsoft 365 tools for a clutter-free inbox
  • Enhance team collaboration

Workshop 2: Email Extinguisher: Simple Steps to Shrink the Inbox

  • Manage digital distractions and reduce decision fatigue
  • Organize emails efficiently with rules and shortcuts
  • Establish a communication charter and matrix for your team

Not an Outlook user? Never fear; we have Gmail experts here - for real...one wrote a book on Gmail!

We want your team to experience the transformation. Don't miss out on this opportunity to revolutionize how your team manages emails and works well together.

Ready to get started?

Hit 'reply' or schedule a Discovery Call with us right away!

Bonus Pro Tip: Change the color of your most important clients or senders to red or something that stands out so your eyes are drawn to those first!

PO Box 46832, Raleigh, NC 27620
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RaderCo - Revitalizing Productivity

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