RaderCo - Weekender Snapshot

Just when I thought I was done crying, I got hit with a double-whammy.

My bestie and RaderCo Concierge Lisa, and I had dinner at Mookies New York Deli before my branding specialist, Annie Francheschi, threw me a surprise party to celebrate my TEDx, The Relentless Pursuit of More Cue the ugly cry when she handed me this beautiful print everyone had signed.

Even our waitress, who watched my TEDx during her break, shared her takeaways, sparking more tears and inspiring me to launch a fun 12% off campaign.

And it doesn't stop there. Messages keep rolling in from folks who have watched and shared.

Our podcast for Proven Strategies for a Real Vacation has been a hit and prompted emails like this one from a former client.

I presented to over 2000 accountants about how to Break Free from Busy Work Well Remotely and Inbox Rescue. Ask yourself...are you being responsive or reactive? There's a difference!

I was super honored to be named 2024 Co-Chair and 2025 Chair of the National Speakers Association Certified Speaking Professional Summit.

I also had coffee with one of the most incredible women I've ever met, Ali Ingersoll, whose own TEDx is an unbelievable story. Her experiences have made me more thoughtful about the challenges people with disabilities face, like how she has to pay double to travel because she needs a caregiver with her at all times.

On Friday, I hiked with Deanna Jones, a DEI speaker living her full authentic life.

Sunday was my first time seeing the musical Cabaret, and I loved every bit of it—story, music, and dancing!

When you get this, I'll have just finished a walkie-talkie with Alicia Parr, a fellow business owner and member of the National Small Business Association's leadership council. It's been two weeks of being surrounded by actual Wonder Women!

Weekend plans include Dave Matthews Band tonight and serving on the TEDx panel at NSA Carolinas Annual Banquet.

On with the Weekender!


proven strategies for a work-free vacation

Find it nearly impossible to truly unplug during a vacation? From effective delegation to setting clear guardrails, learn to switch off from work and enjoy your time away. Quick Tip: Block your calendar the day before you leave and the day after you return to avoid the pre-vacation rush and overwhelming re-entry tasks.


Unbiased Science Podcast

Turn The Beet Around: Course Correcting On Diet

In my TEDx talk, I discussed the influencers I followed and the misinformation I unintentionally spread. Why It Matters: An interview with one of those influencers coincidentally aired around the same time. Her vulnerability and acknowledgment of her course correction are admirable. Bottom Line: This is the type of person I want to follow.


Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High

A must-read for enhancing communication skills and meeting efficiency. No more circling around issues—get straight to the point! An inclusive environment doesn't mean everyone needs to be included in every decision, creating bottlenecks where there isn't a need.

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RaderCo - Revitalizing Productivity

Where health powers productivity, RaderCo helps leaders and their teams banish burnout, keep good people, and move forward through practical, tailored tools and healthy sustainable habits. Get valuable and inspiring bite-sized productivity nuggets straight to your inbox by subscribing below.

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